Media relations

Case modulare cu prețuri de la 6.900 de euro la Tiny House Festival 2024, din Vama Veche

Romania Journal
Tiny House Festival 2024, the largest travel & living festival in Eastern Europe

Love Deco
În iunie 2024 are loc Tiny House Festival, primul event de locuințe mobile din Europa Centrală și de Est

Business Review
Tiny House Festival 2024: Smart investments in vacation homes at the largest travel & living festival in Eastern Europe

Partner media – is the leading Romanian portal for architecture and building professionals searching for suppliers and products. It’s about bringing people together to share ideas and inspiration. is a dedicated digital hub for architects, interior designers, landscapers, engineers, developers, architecture students, craftsmen, project managers or end users, offering valuable information to anyone interested in constructions, design, art, architecture and urbanism.

Bilet de Vacanta
„A vlogging project that started for the love of travel. Our passion for travel began around 6 years ago, but in 2020 we decided that we want a different life. So here we are, living full time in our motorhome, filming all our adventures and promoting a different way of living.”
Partner media
Articolul integral - publicat pe - referitor la East Tiny House Festival: Râșnov va găzdui primul festival de locuințe mobile din Europa Centrală și de Est / Denumite generic tiny houses, locuințele pot fi amplasate rapid, fără autorizație de construire / Prețurile variază de la 6.000 de euro, până la 50.000
Partner media
Articolul integral - publicat pe
- referitor la East Tiny House Festival: Romania to stage tiny house festival